Privacy Violations

Policy Rationale:


At Evolution Global, Inc., we place paramount importance on privacy and the safeguarding of personal information. Our commitment to these principles guides our efforts to protect your identity and personal data, reflecting our dedication to fostering a secure online environment. To uphold these values, we strictly prohibit the posting of personal or confidential information, whether it pertains to oneself or others.


Our Moderation Guidelines are designed to prevent the unauthorized dissemination of personally identifiable information or any private details that could potentially lead to physical, financial, or reputational harm. This includes, but is not limited to, financial records, residential addresses, medical history, and any sensitive information obtained through unlawful means.


We recognize, however, that the boundaries of privacy are complex, especially in an era where information can become public through various legitimate channels such as news reports, legal documents, and official communications. In instances where private information becomes publicly available through these means, we may permit its dissemination on our platform, provided it adheres to our overarching principles of respect for privacy and personal safety.


Evolution Global, Inc. also empowers our users with tools to report content that they believe infringes upon their privacy rights. This includes imagery or any form of data they consider a violation of their personal privacy. Our responsive reporting mechanisms ensure that concerns are swiftly addressed, aligning with our commitment to user safety and the protection of personal information.


In essence, our Moderation Guidelines on Privacy Violations embody our unwavering commitment to protecting personal privacy while navigating the complexities of information sharing in the digital age. Through these guidelines, Evolution Global, Inc. strives to maintain a balance between the free flow of information and the critical need for privacy protection, ensuring our platform remains a trusted space for all users.

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Do not post:


Content that shares or solicits any of the following private information, either on Facebook or through external links:


Personally identifiable information about yourself or others


·       Personal identification numbers and identity documents: identifying individuals by name and government-issued numbers, including:

o   National identification numbers (for example Social Security Numbers (SSN), Passport Numbers, National Insurance/Health Service Numbers, Personal Public Service Numbers (PPS), Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN)).

o   Government IDs of law enforcement, military, or security personnel.

o   Records or official documentation of civil registry information (for example, marriage, birth, death, name change or gender recognition documents, except student IDs)

o   Immigration and work status documents (for example, green cards, work permits, visas, or immigration papers)

o   Driver’s licenses or license plates, except when license plates are shared to facilitate finding missing vehicles, people or animals

o   Credit Privacy Numbers (CPNs)


·       Digital identity: Passwords, pins or codes (such as passwords of email addresses, social media accounts and accounts of streaming services) that authenticate access to an online identity


Personal Contact Information


·       Personal contact information of others, including personal phone numbers and personal email addresses (including work email addresses), except when made public by the individual or when shared or solicited to promote charitable causes, facilitate finding missing people, animals, or owners of missing objects, or contact a business or service providers (unless it is established that the personal contact information is shared without the consent of the individual).


Financial information.


·       Personal financial information about yourself or others, including:

o   Non-public financial records or statements.

o   Bank account numbers with security or pin codes.

o   Digital payment method information with log in details, security or pin codes.

o   Credit or debit card information with validity dates or security pins or codes.

·       Financial information about businesses or organizations, except when originally shared by the organization itself (including subsequent shares with the original context intact) or shared through public reporting requirements (for example as required by stock exchanges or regulatory agencies), including:

o   Non-public financial records or statements

o   Bank account numbers accompanied by security or pin codes.

o   Digital payment method information accompanied by log in details, security or pin codes.


Residential information


·       Private residential addresses of others (except when the residence is an official residence or embassy provided to a high-ranking public official):

o   Full private residential addresses of others, including building name, GPS pins or pins on a map identifying the address (even if the pins are in an off-platform link), except when shared to promote charitable causes, facilitate finding missing people, animals, or owners of missing objects, or contact a business or service providers

o   Partial private residential addresses of others:

§  Partial private residential addresses of others when shared in the context of organizing protests or surveillance of the resident and the location of the residence is identified by any one of the following:

·       Street

·       City or neighborhood (only for cities with fewer than 50,000 residents)

·       Postal code

·       GPS pins or pins on a map identifying any of these (even if the pins are in an off-platform link)

o   Imagery that displays the external view of private residences if all of the following conditions apply:

o   The residence is a single-family home, or the resident's unit number/building name is identified in the image/caption.

o   The location of the residence is identified by any one of the following:

§  Street

§  City or neighborhood (only for cities with fewer than 50,000 residents)

§  Postal code

§  GPS pins or pins on a map identifying any of these (even if the pins are in an off-platform link)

o   The content identifies the resident(s).

o   Either that resident objects to the exposure of their private residence, or there is context of organizing protests against the resident.

o   The imagery of the residence is not being shared because the residence is the focus of a news story except when shared in the context of organizing protests against the resident

·       Location of safe houses: content that exposes information about safe houses by sharing any of the below, except when the safe house is actively promoting information about their facility

o   Actual address (Note: "Post Box only" is allowed.)

o   Images of the safe house.

o   Identifiable city/neighborhood of the safe house.

o   Information exposing the identity of the safe house residents.


Medical information


·       Content sharing medical, psychological, biometric, or genetic hereditary information of others when it is clear that the information comes from medical records or other official documents, including when displayed visually or shared through audio or video.


Information obtained from hacked sources


·       Except in limited cases of newsworthiness, content claimed or confirmed to come from a hacked source, regardless of whether the affected person is a public figure or a private individual.


The following content also may be removed:


·       A reported photo or video of people where the person depicted in the image is:

·       A minor under 13 years old, and the content was reported by the minor or a parent or legal guardian.

·       A minor between 13 and 18 years old, and the content was reported by the minor.

·       An adult, where the content was reported by the adult from outside the United States and applicable law may provide rights to removal.

·  Any person who is incapacitated and unable to report the content on their own.