Adult Sexual Exploitation

Policy Rationale:

At Evolution Global, we acknowledge the unique position of the insurance industry, which navigates a spectrum of sensitive topics and issues unparalleled in any other sector. Our industry's distinctive nature often leads us to engage with matters that, at first glance, might not appear directly relevant—such as Adult Sexual Exploitation. However, we recognize that our industry is comprised of individuals who may encounter these issues both within and outside their professional lives.

The complexity and delicacy of these topics require a nuanced approach to conversations that are pertinent to the industry's improvement and the handling of intricate subjects. Our community standards are crafted with this understanding at their core. They aim to foster a supportive environment that accommodates discussions relevant to our industry, while also providing a framework that respects and protects the dignity of all individuals involved.

These policies reflect our commitment to addressing the needs and concerns of our industry's diverse community, acknowledging the personal and professional intersections that may arise. We strive to create a space where meaningful dialogue can contribute to the betterment of our industry, acknowledging the broad spectrum of experiences that our members bring to their roles.

We recognize the importance of Conversation Insurance as a place to discuss and draw attention to sexual violence and exploitation as faced within the context of the insurance industry and its people. In an effort to create space for this conversation and promote a safe environment, we allow those impacted by these events to share their experiences, but remove content that depicts, threatens, or promotes sexual violence, sexual assault, or sexual exploitation. We also remove content that displays, advocates for or coordinates sexual acts with non-consenting parties to avoid facilitating non-consensual sexual acts.  Any acceptable mention of this topic should always be in an appropriate forum with a warning to the readers that this is a delicate subject and should be relevant to the Insurance Industry.  

To protect victims and survivors, we remove images that depict incidents of sexual violence and intimate images shared without the consent of the person(s) pictured. As noted in the introduction, we also work with external safety experts to discuss and improve our policies and enforcement around online safety issues, and we may remove content when they provide information that content is linked to harmful activity. We’ve also put together a guide to reporting and removing intimate images shared without your consent.

Do not post:

In instances where content consists of any form of non-consensual sexual touching, necrophilia, or forced stripping, including:

• Depictions (including real photos/videos except in a real-world art context), or

• Sharing, offering, asking for or threatening to share imagery, or

• Descriptions, unless shared by or in support of the victim/survivor, or

• Advocacy (including aspirational and conditional statements), or

• Statements of intent, or

• Calls for action, or

• Admitting participation, or

• Mocking victims of any of the above.

• We will also take down content shared by a third party that identifies victims or survivors of sexual assault when reported by the victim or survivor.

Content that attempts to exploit people by any of the following:

• Sextortion: Coercing money, favors or intimate imagery from people with threats to expose their intimate imagery or intimate information

• Sharing, threatening, stating an intent to share, offering or asking for non-consensual intimate imagery that fulfills all of the 3 following conditions:

o Imagery is non-commercial or produced in a private setting.

o The person in the imagery is (near) nude, engaged in sexual activity or in a sexual pose.

o Lack of consent to share the imagery is indicated by meeting any of the signals:

Vengeful context (such as, caption, comments or page title).

Independent sources (such as, law enforcement record) including entertainment media (such as, leak of images confirmed by media).

A visible match between the person depicted in the image and the person who has reported the content to us.

The person who reported the content to us shares the same name as the person depicted in the image.

• Secretly taken non-commercial imagery of a real person's commonly sexualized body parts (breasts, groin, buttocks, or thighs) or of a real person engaged in sexual activity. This imagery is commonly known as "creepshots" or "upskirts" and includes photos or videos that mock, sexualize or expose the person depicted in the imagery.

• Threatening or stating an intent to share private sexual conversations that meets the following criteria:

o Lack of consent is indicated by:

Vengeful context and/or threatening context, or

A visible match between the person depicted in the image and the person who has reported the content to us.

The person who reported the content to us shares the same name as the person depicted in the image.

For the following content, we include a warning screen so that people are aware the content may be disturbing:

Narratives and statements that contain a description of non-consensual sexual touching (written or verbal) that includes details beyond mere naming or mentioning the act if:

• Shared by the victim, or

• Shared by a third party (other than the victim) in support of the victim or condemnation of the act or for general awareness to be determined by context/caption.

Content mocking the concept of non-consensual sexual touching